Thoughts on Lab Partners for Paideia playshops

Our Paideia playshops include exercises, mainly done in pairs. Depending on the topic, the nature, number, and intimacy level of these exercises varies. In general, you'll get a lot more out of the class if you do the exercises with a partner.

Is this a dating opportunity?
We try to keep the energy relaxed and playful, rather than heavy cruisy. Many people arrive with a partner. Some are open to dating, but that's their focus when they're here.
Some people in monogamous relationships attend without their partner, usually due to scheduling issues. They are not open to cruising.

Are the workshops mainly for Tops or Bottoms?
Clearly any top wants to improve her or his techniques, understanding, and skills.
There are many reasons bottoms attend workshops, including:

What about switching roles?
We highly recommend that everyone tries both topping and bottoming in every technique they learn. This improves your appreciation, empathy and communication.

Thoughts on choosing a lab partner

Finding a lab partner Some people just show up and hook up at the class. To have success with this it helps to:

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