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Notes for new Male Submissives

Here are some thoughts for men who want to submit to women.

First, the bad news. In the BDSM scene, the largest demographic is men who want to submit to women, and the smallest is women interested in dominating men. This means that numerically there is a lot of competition.

The good news is that many of the other guys leave it at the fantasy stage, and don't take the steps to make themselves desirable to the available FemDommes. You'll have much better luck if you put in some effort to learn BDSM etiquette and what femdommes look for. Then cultivate yourself to be more what they want. There are many classes, books, discussion groups, etc. to help with this.

For a start, we recommend some of our own classes, including: Beginner's Dungeon, Kinky Dating, and Kinky Relationships. Join our events announcement list:

Attend events, and observe which other malesubs are successful. Emulate them. Associate with them. See if one will mentor you.

Pay attention to the words and signals coming from real-life femdommes. These will differ from the messages in your fantasies. If you do what she says, rather than expect her to act out your own script, you'll have a much easier time.

Some websites:

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